Sunday, 4 November 2012


Joanna-Smurf Blue inside the converse store Trincity Mall 
Joanna Hutton is the perfect package. From those "chinky","chinee" eyes to her impeccable style, she has it! she makes it!she is it! With her down-to-earth personality she is absolutely irresistible. Joanna has been one of my closest friends since I was 11.The first time we met we immediately clicked and subsequently got into trouble together but since then we've been great friends. You know what they say -"good friends will be there to bail you out of jail but great friends will be sitting there beside you". I'd like to tell everyone about the interesting experiences I've had with her but i'd not want to take away from your own experience.The girl is "hella" funny,super entertaining and probably one of the most genuine persons I've ever met.It's impossible to be around her and not leave with a laugh.

Joanna at right performing vocals for Nadia Batson's Sass
The child is multi-talented; part comedian, part vocalist, part hairstylist, Joanna the kid sister of Nadia Batson is also a member of the star band ,"Nadia Batson's Sass and along with Elena Rawlins does background vocals for several performances and tracks by the lead singer. She hopes to one day be performing her own tracks but admits to having a little stage fright that seems to be hindering the process.

Aside from performing with the band this 5'4 miss is also an hair stylist and is responsible for several shocking yet gorgeous hairstyles of her band mates as well as her own outrageous looks.Sporting hair from copper to "smurf" blue,blond or red, in curls,long flowing locks, or short styles, She trends and takes the risks that most wouldn't dare. If anything she's known for her hair. During her performances I always hear random dudes say "that chick with the pink hair real "bess" or that chick with the fruity pebbles hair on point".However she styles it, it suits her and she looks great.
In terms of fashion most of her outfits are altered or designed as an signature Joanna Hutton article, for some reason it works for her and she's even spoken up a few times  about persuing fashion design. She has even done some modelling .

Joanna Hutton @ Sass photoshoot

Till then Joanna is just the girl who brings the laughter and realism.She's the girl not afraid to be herself who doesn't forget her roots,remains humble, is extremely friendly and always willing to help a friend in need.

1 comment:

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