Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Social life/School/Sleep- Can't have it all

This diagram is an exact representation of my greatest challenge in life. In my case however ,they forgot to slip in work there because like most individuals I've gotta eat.I have a job, one more load for my plate.But how do I keep a balance? Between the other three how to decide what, when and where it all comes down to why.
Why do you go to school?
Why do you need sleep?
Why do you need a social life?
Which are most important?

 Parents always say "you'd have your entire life to party" well at least that's what my mum says.But that isn't exactly true. By the time you've finished going to school you're either too old to fit in with the regular party crowd - yep you're the balding, old guy at the "frat" party.You're either too mature and "parent" everyone there so- you're the guy  who's shouting "hey kid get down off that table/ put sum clothes on... blah blah blah"  or  you're old,  so naturally you're too focused on more serious things in life like raring a family , making investments or preparing for when you are no longer working.By that time you're so accustomed to working that  you actually start to like it. Which leaves you with zero partying options.
Truth is partying is for the young and able.The perfect age for partying is just between having little responsibilities and little expectations of; and if you are of ideally college years or "young adult" years you just happen to fall right in between there. 

 My social life is not as important to me as most, but because I understand that I am strange and most people my age live on the dance floor and get dehydrated without liquor here are a few suggestions:
1) practice sleeping less- fun fact-if you sleep eight hours a day everyday you would have slept an entire 1/3rd of your life by the time you are 30 i.e.10 years
When you sleep less you'd naturally have more time to party or study which ever is more convenient.
2)instead of watching television all day or staring at the wall how about randomly reading over your notes on a basis more regular than "pre-exams cram" or to prove a point to someone.Read Anything!
3)Try mixing it up a bit.Make studying a social event, invite your friends to do it with you.fun games and school based trivia are great ways to enjoy studying and more importantly do it with serious people or people who have similar academic ambitions as you do.You can help motivate each other.
4)Make up your mind to give up 1 or be willing to do less of all. Practice being an adult,get your priorities straight,make sensible decisions.

Party girl!!
Now don't get me wrong I love going out I've actually been a titled "party girl" for the last six years of my life. but through my personal life changing experiences or just being able to see the world differently I got bored and decided that being seen in a professional light would be more important for my reputation. Currently I'm more focused on building networks and connections,establishing ideas, helping people through various none profit organisations and figuring myself out,who I am, what I want in life; the kind of person who gets a day named after them or leaves their name on a great book or something.I actually haven't gone out quite often for the year, my personal circle is getting smaller and I'm learning more how to make myself happy I'd still take a "lil wine" from time to time and I still flutter around events like a social butterfly so I think I have a good balance working out for me but like I said before it's about prioritizing  and ultimately doing what would be better for your future. So for me school is a priority, and I'm a sucker for a good book I read when I can, work is a priority and socializing is a priority because my professional future involves people and events.Sleep is less important but I still try to get a healthy amount going. People sleep way more than they need to anyway.Just sleep an healthy amount of time.
Me reading when I can
I've even noticed recently that going to events are exhausting so sometimes I nap there and then I'm up and ready to pump again.I am a PUMPER!!!

Sleeping at an event for a few hrs before I pumped again
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Sunday, 4 November 2012


Joanna-Smurf Blue inside the converse store Trincity Mall 
Joanna Hutton is the perfect package. From those "chinky","chinee" eyes to her impeccable style, she has it! she makes it!she is it! With her down-to-earth personality she is absolutely irresistible. Joanna has been one of my closest friends since I was 11.The first time we met we immediately clicked and subsequently got into trouble together but since then we've been great friends. You know what they say -"good friends will be there to bail you out of jail but great friends will be sitting there beside you". I'd like to tell everyone about the interesting experiences I've had with her but i'd not want to take away from your own experience.The girl is "hella" funny,super entertaining and probably one of the most genuine persons I've ever met.It's impossible to be around her and not leave with a laugh.

Joanna at right performing vocals for Nadia Batson's Sass
The child is multi-talented; part comedian, part vocalist, part hairstylist, Joanna the kid sister of Nadia Batson is also a member of the star band ,"Nadia Batson's Sass and along with Elena Rawlins does background vocals for several performances and tracks by the lead singer. She hopes to one day be performing her own tracks but admits to having a little stage fright that seems to be hindering the process.

Aside from performing with the band this 5'4 miss is also an hair stylist and is responsible for several shocking yet gorgeous hairstyles of her band mates as well as her own outrageous looks.Sporting hair from copper to "smurf" blue,blond or red, in curls,long flowing locks, or short styles, She trends and takes the risks that most wouldn't dare. If anything she's known for her hair. During her performances I always hear random dudes say "that chick with the pink hair real "bess" or that chick with the fruity pebbles hair on point".However she styles it, it suits her and she looks great.
In terms of fashion most of her outfits are altered or designed as an signature Joanna Hutton article, for some reason it works for her and she's even spoken up a few times  about persuing fashion design. She has even done some modelling .

Joanna Hutton @ Sass photoshoot

Till then Joanna is just the girl who brings the laughter and realism.She's the girl not afraid to be herself who doesn't forget her roots,remains humble, is extremely friendly and always willing to help a friend in need.