For those who haven't been able to catch on by now I'm talking about marijuana. It's been called several things and though many may argue that they use it primarily for "medical purposes" it's easy to wonder if that medical condition is contagious when around peers.It's funny though because I actually do agree that a medical condition is in-fact present but its called "addiction" and ironically using the said addiction has never been a successful contributor to the cure. Many people debate that unlike tobacco or caffeine, marijuana is not actually addictive but what most can agree is that the temporary high- in the land of sugar canes and gummy-bears, elves and unicorns, leaves it's visitors addicted to their own imagination thus being addicted to the psychoactive effects of marijuana.
I'm not certain if weed was so predominant before I noticed or if its become more obvious since it's slipped into my circle but its there and everyone knows it. What's certain though is that a lot more youths are being influenced by songs sang by several performers who mention the drugs in music, interviews and quotes which may actually stand as a contributor to the growing epidemic.Another contributor is the way life is recycle ; whatever is out comes back in eventually and that explains the presence of modern day hippies wearing a combination of clothing from the 60's,70's,80's and 90' rolling "blunts". Whatever it is, it seems that at almost every event I've attended in the last year weed,kush,grade,hash,doobie,spliff, reefer or whatever cute nickname they have for it,it was present. It's easy to notice the few who stand to the back of the events, always with uncontrollable laughter or a big gay smile and red barely open eyes, disguising there actions during each explosion of co2 and seeming just a little bit happier than the "vibe" at the event would prescribe. Sometimes we have our neighbourhood candy men who walk around distributing several treats such as cupcakes, brownies and chocolate made with an extra special ingredient iv'e heard some people call "love".
Meanwhile we have the stoners who promote world peace and are into the whole "legalise weed" campaigns.Until then weed in Trinidad remains easily accessible although illegal. I guess everybody has their vice.Question is how detrimental is yours?
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