Saturday, 20 October 2012


Marry-Anna is a song written by Trinbagonian reggae artist Prophet Benjamin where he describes his relationship with a "woman".For those who are familiar with Prophet Benjamin we are similar with our assumptions of the song. For those who are not familiar with Prophet Benjamin please get acquainted with some of his other songs such as "coming from Moruga" and  "a whole field of weed ". That being said Prophet Benjamin's "woman" seems to be the new miss popularity in Trinidad and Tobago and she never discriminates. Lower class, middle class, upper class, she's in their circle making everything seem just...       "su-per-ca-li-fra-gi-lis-tic"

For those who haven't been able to catch on by now I'm talking about marijuana. It's been called several things and though many may argue that they use it primarily for "medical purposes" it's easy to wonder if that medical condition is contagious when around peers.It's funny though because I actually do agree that a medical condition is in-fact present but  its called "addiction" and ironically using the said addiction has never been a successful contributor to the cure. Many people debate that unlike tobacco or caffeine, marijuana is not actually addictive but what most can agree is that the temporary high- in the land of sugar canes and gummy-bears, elves and unicorns, leaves it's visitors addicted to their own imagination thus being addicted to the psychoactive effects of marijuana.

I'm not certain if  weed was so predominant before I noticed or if its become more obvious since it's slipped into my circle but its there and everyone knows it. What's certain though is that a lot more youths are being influenced by songs sang by several performers who mention the drugs in music, interviews and quotes which may actually stand as a contributor to the growing epidemic.Another contributor is the way life is recycle ; whatever is out comes back in eventually and that explains the presence of modern day hippies wearing a combination of clothing from the 60's,70's,80's and 90' rolling "blunts". Whatever it is, it seems that at almost every event I've attended in the last year weed,kush,grade,hash,doobie,spliff, reefer or whatever cute nickname they have for it,it was present. It's easy to notice the few who stand to the back of the events, always with uncontrollable laughter or a big gay smile and red barely open eyes, disguising there actions during each explosion of co2 and seeming just a little bit happier than the "vibe" at the event would prescribe. Sometimes we have our neighbourhood candy men who walk around distributing several treats such as cupcakes, brownies and chocolate made with an extra special ingredient iv'e heard some people call "love".

Meanwhile we have the stoners who promote world peace and are into the whole "legalise weed" campaigns.Until then weed in Trinidad remains easily accessible although illegal. I guess everybody has their vice.Question is  how detrimental is yours?

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Thursday, 18 October 2012

Facebook Shopping

My new thing is shopping online. I am yet to meet a girl who does not have a genuine appreciation for trendy outfits, glamorous makeup, cute bags and shoes and if perhaps they do exist they don't know what they've been missing. I love them all and meanwhile my peers may gravitate towards liming (trini word for hanging out) drinking and just living up their youth the convenience that shopping over facebook has given me to enjoy these "limes" looking trendy has been awesome.

Shopping online is easy because it gives you the opportunity to access trends and styles that have not yet arrived on the local market.When clothing arrives on the Trinidad market it's very rare to come across original ideas and outfits as local buyers and trend shops tend to sell the same things.You constantly have to worry about going out and seeing someone wearing your outfit (total embarrassment especially if they are wearing it more fashionably than you are). I myself have been a victim of this so when i stumbled upon "Pretty Little Things" or "The Finer Things by Anella" i jumped at the opportunity at once and many days, spent my pitons on wearables that I liked. From dresses to swimsuits, the options and colors vary at very affordable prices. Prices ranging from $100-$200, making clothing for a non-worker affordable.
From time to time these sites tend to have sale and drop prices on a lot of stock which is actually the best time for purchasing gifts-cute trinkets like handbags or jewellery the list goes on and on.It's quite simple All you do is go on to your designated supplier copy the link for the object u desire and message the company.
Someone would respond to you almost immediately giving you bank account details so you can make a 50% deposit and your order should meet you within 2 -3 weeks.Sometimes the orders can be delivered as early as within the same day. It all depends on whether you ordered an in-stock item or an pre-ordered item.
I imagine that a lot of people may be skeptical at first as they have no idea where their money would be going so I recommend that they look out for a few things just for legitimacy reasons.

1)Try  to find contact information. ( Talking to someone on the phone may give you comfort)
2)Look back into old albums to see how long the site has been active.
3)Look at comments from other customers(just so you know you are not the only one)
4)Try to notice re-occurring customers( in most cases people would have purchased from the site before and the seller would try to maintain a relationship with this customer so they would have conversations over items.
Happy Shopping!!

Pretty Little Things

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Hair Today

Its no doubt that hair is probably one of the most important features of a woman and that women spend thousands of dollars per year trying to maintain it and reinvent it, but even more importantly to mention is that most women are afraid to rock what they have;their natural hair.
 My first LOW cut for my birthday last year.

 I'm no stranger to taking risks with my hair, in fact I've probably done everything to my hair except probably a "jheri curl" but i'm telling you a few years ago I was super close to it. Currently my hair is cut low and natural for two reasons- my birthday is pretty soon and I personally wanted to embrace myself wholly and enter this year of my life completely accepting of who I am and secondly I did my first relaxer when  I was around four years old and I've felt for a long time that it ruined my confidence in my ethnicity me being of several backgrounds but my hair being predominantly "afro".
Red hair
However when i finally cut the chemicals out of my hair and presented it to my mother the criticism kept rolling in. She said my head looked big my hair looks "hard",(a trini reference to nappy) and a series of criticism. At the end of the day I like my new cut and I feel comfortable with it, I don't have to worry about it falling off randomly... it's mine! I can tug at it how hard when I get angry and it's healthy and beautiful. It's not silky straight like many would hope for, it's more kinky than anything but its convenient. All I gotta do is brush it and go.I'ts absolutely gorgeous and I'm comfortable in my skin.
 I'm certainly an advocate for changing  up your hair but I believe, that no matter  what you do to your hair it should never be because you are ashamed to wear it naturally and having it natural for a while can do a lot not just for your hair but also your self esteem. You are who    you are and you should never have any regrets about that.

My latest look almost no hair but natural
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Friday, 12 October 2012

16 Questions with- Jason Marcano

16 Questions with Jason Marcano

1.Q.Who are you?
A. I am Jason Stephen Marcano.

2.Q.What do you do?
A.Father. professional footballer and aspiring entrepreneur .

3.Q.What are your hobbies?
A.Watching movies , spending time with my son, playing any sport.

4.Q.What are your pet peeves?

5.Q.Favourite colour?
A. Purple

6.Q.Turn ons?
A.Honesty and  a great smile.

7.Q.Turn offs?
A.Dishonesty,Bad attitude

8.Q.What's on your ipod ?
A. MostlyGospel,Jah cure and Lil Wayne

9.Q.What would you say is the greatest thing about Trinidad and Tobago?
A.Our diverse culture and our ability to fit in anywhere we go in the world. Trinidadians mesh well with  other people.

10.Q.What is your life goal?
A.To establish my business and help people, however I can.

11.Q.Who is your inspiration?
A.I inspire myself, ive always been self motivated and between my acccomplishments and my failures im not sure which is inspires me more

12.Q.Greatest accomplishment?
A.My Son

13.Q.Most embarassing moment?

14.Q.Team bmobile or digicel?

15.Q.Henessy or johnny walker?
A.Im a Henessy man.

16.Q.Breast and wing or leg and thigh?
A. Leg and thigh. lol

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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Jason Marcano- Football Dreams

Jason Marcano, is a Trinidad and Tobago professional football player currently attached to the North Ann Rangers of the TT Pro League .
Jason was Born on the 31st of December 1983 in the Town of Arima. As a child Jason was always interested in several sports. During his childhood Jason lived opposite a community center  and basketball court which not only exposed him to various sports but gave him the opportunity to channel his skills while staying out of trouble,living in a "not so model" neighbourhood. However it wasn't until  he was given the opportunity to play for his  primary school, Arima West Government that he actually started looking into multiple opportunities where he could make football his career.

Despite growing up in a poverty stricken household Jason managed to hold onto his dreams and fight through several adversities to rise above his circumstances.His charismatic playfull attitude made him quite a prospect for the ladies but it was his undying ambition and positive demeanor that made him an ideal partner for several business ventures.
Aside from football Jason spends his days dedicated to his son,nephews and nieces.He makes a daily effort to play with them, one of his favourite past times considering he acts like a child himself. Besides those he recently started a contracting and construction business ie. J.L.Construction ltd. and is looking forward to establishing himself within the business sector.

Ken Sambury the Legendary

Ken Sambury The Legendary

Are you familiar with events such as the  "N.A.E.B.L.E." franchise -“Not Another Empire Beach Lime, Tropical Luau and Graffiti? If the answer is yes, then most likely you've heard the name Ken Sambury. Boasting 4000 +fans on his "Ken Sambury the Legendary" facebook fan page, Ken knows all too well the art of coaxing, the importance of  positive reputation and what it takes to get things done. Ken Sambury is just 1 of  the youth in Trinidad and Tobago I am excited to tell you about but who is he ,what does he do and what are his plans??

Who is he?
Ken Sambury was born on September, 9th 1988 to highly educated parents in a small modest upper middle class family. He is the oldest of two children, having a younger sister 10 years his junior who is equally as brilliant. After S.E.A. in 2001, Ken attended Hillview College in Tunapuna, an opportunity he prides himself on even to this day. When I asked Ken what was the most important lesson he learnt attending Hillview, he responded humorously “study hard or become a vagrant”. At Hillview College Ken was able to go head to head in a very competitive environment and form close friendships and lifelong relationships which have definitely contributed to his success.

What does he do?
Honestly, there is no short answer but basically he is a part of anything and everything that has to do with media, events, marketing and youth . Some of his skills include photography, public speaking, video editing, event planning, management and consulting, creative directing and more. On a regular day he and his handy Mac which he has adoringly named Gabriella, juggle between activities for several endeavours including his very own businesses Empire Entertainment and its sister company Jamborii Mas. Ken is extremely proud of both companies, for him they have both become more than just a business but a family. He spends most of his free time bonding with his team members and developing his skills..

What's  next?
Taking over the world, he plans to take over the world, through empowering and motivating youths. Next up NAEBL on Oct 27th 2012.

Check out an Empire beach lime!!
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